Dôme Project Interiors’ head office is located at the following address: Grand Rue 4, Geneva, Switzerland and the company is registered with the Swiss Trade and Companies Register under number 2017/12322
You can contact us by phone on +41 (0)22 3627470, from Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm, excluding public holidays, or by email to contact@dome.ch
Dôme Project Interiors is the publisher of the goods offered on dome.ch
Office: Grand Rue 4, Geneva, SWITZERLAND
Type of company: SARL
Company number: Registered in the Commercial Register of the Canton of Geneva in Switzerland under the number 2017/12322
VAT number: CHE 201 213 054
Phone number: +41 (0)22 362 74 70
Email: contact@dome.ch
The website is hosted by the company Infomaniak, with a head office located at Rue Eugène-Marziano 25, 1227 Geneva, Switzerland.
The website was initially designed by Digicomcrea.
Dôme Project Interiors is the owner of the Website’s domain name.
The website, including all texts, animated items, videos, photographs, etc., is protected by copyright and intellectual property laws. Any reproduction is prohibited.
Dôme Project Interiors is responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the information published on the website to the best of its ability. Dôme Precious reserves the right to modify or correct it at any time and without prior notification.
Under no circumstances may Dôme Project Interiors be held liable for any damage not resulting from a failure from our part to comply with one of its obligations. Therefore, Dôme Precious cannot be held responsible for any material damage related to the use of the website. Additionally, the customer should access the website using recent, virus-free equipment and with an up-to-date browser.